Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How to Write a Good Book....

      Any one can do it really. Write a book, I mean. To start, a  strong imagination is the most important part. Without an imagination your story will be dull. Imagine a place, real or imagined and make that your setting. Get it down on paper. Not much to it.
       Characters must be created. You need your main character(s), supporting character(s) side characters who really aren't important to the story, but possibly pass along some important knowledge to the hero. Try to get in your characters mind. Who are they, how do they act, what do they believe, what skills do they have, who are their family, things like that. Making characters is the most important step along with the plot. This really should come after the setting. If you are having troubles writing while keeping your setting clear and your characters true to themselves, then let your setting fall away until a latter draft when your characters are well established and then add the setting in.
        Depending on the style you prefer you can either write an outline of your plot or jump into the writing and think up things as your write. Personally I prefer a loose outline. A loose outline will give you a dirt path to follow. As you write you can change the path of your story a bit or a lot. Having an outline can be as simple as These are my characters, this is how it starts, and this is how it ends. Other options are a list of everything that is going to happen in faint detail, or a list of major events that are going to push your characters toward the goal. These are only a few options and latter I will have more tips for writing outlines.
       Most people would say that before you start writing there should be a theme. I say that you should find a theme only if you are comfortable with it at the time. The theme can be developed as you write and when you go back to read your story the theme should become clear to you. If not then you should try to make a theme evident.
         Just like you learned in primary school every story has a conflict to resolve. No conflict to resolve, no story. So what is the conflict. Is it a war that your hero must stop? A mystery that must be solved? what ever it is, make sure that it is there
          So to make it a good story the conflict has got to be resolved. depending on the type of story it could be resolved in a number of way, but I won't get into that now. Latter I will have more on the topic.
          So now that you have some of this stuff figured out you need to start writing. So Just write. Get a first draft finished and then rewrite and rewrite and keep rewriting until you finally have something worth the amount of time it will take to read and more. Just keep writing until every word seems to glow in its perfection when its read. That is how a good book is written.  

Latter I will have more on the topic of writing a book so check back latter. 

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